Having spent walking in front of a poster on the need for all we demand the bill of what we buy I was wondering what rare is the new name of the AFIP.
time ago he faced a redesign that gave to branches of a standard graphics and signage that gave a fight to the disorder prevailing in many government departments. While forms continued to be no man's land, seemed to have good intentions.
less time, the AFIP changed again, and one never gets to know well why. If the earlier mark (see below, accompanied by the infamous Don Carlos ) and had some problems of clarity, the new the power to dangerous extremes.

- Maybe I'm wrong or extreme sin of literalism ... but the mark of the federal administration of public revenues, ie agency that collects and manages tons of money from all taxpayers, should not be as transparent as possible and as solid and reliable as steel? I mean something clear right up. And since it uses the abbreviation or acronym, should not be recognizable to the naked eye, without delay?
- What is the purpose of removing "Public Revenue of the nomenclature or fall of the mark? Why the subtraction?
- What should be the operation on the A? If it is to maintain diagonality of the earlier mark, we are faced with a fad that severs the most important of a bill: its identity.
- Why choose for the descent, a typeface that seems to be deficient in their performance in reading at a medium distance or smaller sizes? More wrong choice if it is used to label sections of website organization.
- What kind of spatial relationship between the brand and its down? No doubt there is one, but unbalanced and without a tight harmony.
In short, a very low mark for a body which should not be at all.
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