Who comes to this I recommend reading post after purchase because of something you have to live in the revived magazine crisis . The image that illustrates these lines is the top of number three for February and March of the current.
aside if K or anti-K, in my humble opinion the magazine is very interesting and very well written. Its design is very austere, with comfortable margins and columns of a wide-friendly, rhythmically arranged on the page and with a generous interline, perhaps somewhat monotonous if one is permeable to graphics devices as found in modern magazines day but, in reality, we must remember-or forget-that crisis is a magazine to read and think. And that is something.
Typographically is also austere. It uses little and squeeze it well.
Its cover is a photo and a title, crowned by the word crisis and in lowercase italics, as if sustantivizar and soften the thing, but without forgetting the past: the magazine previous (published in the '73 to '76), whose title was also sensitive, but Clarendon furious.
Falling into the swamp of personal taste, I signed it is a pretty magazine. O cool, if I want to skate at all. Designed , say a fellow friend whose name I withhold.
The magazine is political, even without knowing all that this might mean. Its reporters develop many different subjects, but always under the umbrella of the local political scene, regional or global. No film critic and humor and recipes. Until a few notices have (which, for publishers, I do not know whether it will be a source of pride or worry ...).
position and has a foundation and a reader, sometimes agree and sometimes not, has to deal with that and establish dialogue and dumb fights with sheets of paper acaballo. And that's the prettiest of all, I think.
In my head, crisis competes with Veintitres and the News. I have no doubt with which I stay. On second thought, I think what I came to the magazine is that the vast majority of journalists who write it are from my generation, have all my age, year, year younger. Will the glut of reading at the usual generational or sympathy? I do not know, but I know that attracted me.
In short, it's always good to have new publications offering new things. Welcome to the kiosks, crisis! For now, I will follow, whether or not we agree.
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