A good brand is built with small things. Sometimes insignificant elements whose absence or neglect can bring down any strategy spoil pompous or heavy investment.
In the case of a clothing brand and Mistral, the shopping experience (how is local and how we serve) and quality of the garment are gained weight issues when deciding to buy again.
in my head was well positioned, I had it listed as a brand rather expensive but good quality clothes and attractive design, according to my taste, of course.
The point is that a few days ago I bought two shirts and Bermuda shorts. As I do not review what I buy, if you know what I buy is no second choice, soon I noticed that the two T-shirts (make Sandley) one was punched in the back and Bermuda had a hole in one legs. Something
annoying, I returned to local return defective items. I changed the shirt on the other (first assignment on my part: I did not get the same garment he had chosen), but the Bermuda was not an easy thing: the model I bought was gone. Was in other colors, I did not like, or had no waist. An employee tried a revealing explanation: "Uh! You had bad luck, three pieces you took two failed" and another, more compassionate, he said he was going to look at other sites and was going to tell me if he had news. Friendly, asked me my phone and promised to call.
I called. And I said that the branch had Abasto a bermuda identical to the one I wanted but I had to go over there to make the change (second assignment: I, ie the customer who is always right , is who should move to find the item you sold him broken in the first instance).
I, excited. And that was identical Bermuda was not identical, was the same color but different model. And the employee who thought it was identical apologized ... and I ran out of Bermuda and, for good measure, with an unnecessary trip to the Abasto.
In summary, the bermuda my mother deftly put a patch "invisible" decently solved the problem of hole In parallel, likely to return to buy a piece of Mistral. And every time you see a warning or a glass of Mistral think of the hole, the trip to the Supply and patch saving. Positioning Chau, chau Mistral.
Moral: always check what you buy, even first choice: ^)
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