In his novel From the Earth to the Moon (1865) and its sequel Around the Moon (1869). Verne sent a man to our natural satellite of a century before the Apollo 11, and does so in a different way but wrong (through a canyon as a method of propulsion), however, that Jules Verne thought the man might to the moon long before any other, is not surprising, the surprising thing is in coincidence with the actual fact much later, curiously Around Moon was written in 1869 and the man on the moon in 1969, but also predicted:
That would be the first to achieve the U.S. (note that then United States did not have great power and scientific knowledge) that the launch site would be in the state of Florida and that would tripulares three (two Americans and a French origins, the crew of Apollo 11 were two Americans and a Source of Roman origin), is known as one of the Apollo 11 crew was called Michael Collins and one of the characters in the book is called Michael Nichols (fixed you can get that says "Cholins" = Collins), The cannon in the novel is called Columbia, and Columbia was called the service module Apollo 11, the bullet sent to the moon in the novel is the same weight and height as the Apollo 11, and also in the novel, to return to land the ball falls into the Pacific Ocean, just four kilometers from place where the Apollo splashed down. In Paris
XX century (1994), and other novales as; XXIX In the century and Propeller Island (1895), many inventions are expected to create in the minds of Verne as example, the calculator, fax machine, electric chair, television, news and even the Internet. Paris particularly in the twentieth century has several phrases that I find particularly striking.
"Although no one read, everyone could read" Electric Concert"...¡
! And what instruments! (...) Hundred pianos interconnected to an electric current through playing together in the hand of a single artist.
"I do not beheaded anyone. He glared shock.
"He understands that business at the time of paper consumption would increase in unexpected proportions (...); forests and were not used for heating, but for printing.
In Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea (1869), shows the investment of the submarine and special suits. In view of the flag (1896), some are predicting a weapon of mass destruction similar to the atomic bomb. In Robur the Conqueror (1886), investment The helicopter and five hundred million Begum (1879), we see one of the most striking predictions, the rise to power of a man named Schultz, whose only ambition was to conquer the world based on the idea that the Germanic race was superior to all other races, so it was right to acquit or make them disappear, written ten years before the birth of Adolph Hitler. Another
who wrote a story about the man on the moon was the American writer Lester del Rey. His novel is called Trip to the Moon (1954). It tells how Apollon spacecraft reaches the moon and when you open the hatch out of her commander Armstrong. Fifteen years before Neil Armstrong on the moon aboard Apollo 11.
"Apollon The ship landed on the surface of the moon. After several small jumps could stabilize. It opened its ramp and she fell to Major Armstrong first stepped on the soil of this unknown world." Travel Moon (1954).
also Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver's Travels (1726), a part of the story reads:
"They look in the sky two lesser stars or satellites orbiting Mars, are named fear and interior far from the central planet three times the diameter in
For the first, and five times in the case of the second ... "
Referring to the red planet inhabited by beings of a single eye in the middle of the skull. Fine words and an imagination, it was believed then, until that 156 years after Hall Asap astronomer discovered the two moons of Mars and baptized as Phobos (fear) and Deimos (Terror), the name of the horses of war god Ares (Mars in Roman mythology). These moons never been seen before by anyone and travel Guilliver already talked about them with great accuracy.

funny thing is that the July 5, 1884, a British yacht Mignonette sank name to South Atlantic Ocean, where they managed to save four crew in a boat. After three weeks eating only a turtle that had managed to capture and drinking his own urine decide killing one crew member who was ill from drinking sea water, and building that was sleeping killed him and fed him being, who ran with bad luck was the boy of the ship and bore the name Richard Parker Coincidence?
addition, this event "prediction" turns out to do this in Poe, in his essay: Eureka (1848). A very different to those accustomed to the author and which is based on the obsessions that Poe ever submitted to the science of astronomy. Is also subtitled as "a prose poem," and it really is just that, a long poem in which Poe speaks of his passion for astronomy, the cosmos, metaphysics, mathematics, but also about the spirit of them. Or what is the same as saying: The vision of the universe of the author. The surprising thing is that things like the Big Bang as the origin of the universe and the expansion of this had already been present 70 years before the first of these theories do appear. Besides other things Poe assertion that only part of current theories, such as many of the bodies called nebulae were not such a thing but other galaxies located outside the relationship of time and space in a single concept, the description of the holes Blacks, the recognition of gravity as a force capable of causing a collapse of giant masses was a center, including the theory of a cyclical universe, ie a universe ceases to expand and start a reverse process, the contraction up to the "unity" and lead to yet another Big Bang and a new universe with different properties than ours.
Finally Eureka, Poe discusses God, define your body with the universe and define their psyche as the sum of all the psyches of living beings in the universe, from the elementary to the most complex. Both
Jules Verne and Edgar Allan Poe, were visionaries. They were human beings with an incredible imagination and so changed the world as they did; Verne created the genre of science fiction, Poe is known as the master of horror, also created by the detective genre. You could say that their literatures and their minds were ahead for time.

Robertson wrote another story prophetic name recognition Beyond the Spectrum (Spectrum Beyond), it described a war fought with planes dropping bombs called "bombs soles," so powerful that with a bright burst of light blinding could, one, destroy an entire city. These pumps soles have been associated with the atomic bomb, we must also clarify that by then the planes were only prototypes.
Are these just coincidences or premonitions really exist? Would
aware that these writers had premonitions or just think that these were good ideas for a story?
And if ... "In writing a history are doomed the fate of someone else?
. The Universe as Edgar Allan Poe
. Jules Verne's predictions
. Predictions found in literature
. Prophecies and Prophets
. Morgan Robertson: the prophet Forgot