Thursday, January 20, 2011

How To Make Polly Pocket Clothes

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879, Germany - April 18, 1955, USA) was a German physicist who later became a naturalized U.S. and Switzerland. It is considered the most important scientist of the twentieth century and the most popular of all time. He is known for his theory of relativity that covers the theory of general relativity (where re-made the whole concept of gravity), the theory of special relativity, Brownian motion and the photoelectric effect. He is recognized as the "Father of the Atomic Bomb" was always more a pacifist who advocated in his writings in favor of peace, socialism and Zionism. You could say I was a man ahead of his time. Although some believe he was autistic. Nobel Prize in physics was in 1921 but also is also well known for its popular phrases and where it appears the photo sticking out his tongue.


live in the world when we love. Only a life lived for others is worth living.
About Love.

At first all thoughts belong to love. After all the love belongs to the thoughts.
About Love.

The law of gravity is not to blame for people falling in love.
About Love.

Love is worth nothing by force, the force without love is energy spent in vain.
About Love.

who does not possess the gift of wonder or excited had better be dead, because his eyes are closed. About

Beauty does not look, only looks.
On Beauty.

Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple and generally can be expressed in a language comprehensible to everyone.
on science.

is possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would be pointless. It is as if describing a Beethoven symphony as a set of variations of wave.
About science.

Never consider the study as an obligation but as an opportunity to enter the beautiful and wonderful world of learning. About

Every day we learn more and understand less. About

creativity is in sleeping well and opening the mind to infinite possibilities. What is a man without dreams?
on creativity.

I have no special talents, but I am passionately curious. About

Man finds God behind every door that science is able to open. About

God is sophisticated, but not malicious.
About God.

I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals a harmony of all living beings. I do not believe in a God that deals with the fates and actions of human beings.
About God.

Chance does not exist, God does not play dice.
About God.

Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character.
About God.

Before God, we are all equally wise and equally foolish.
About God.

My political ideal is democratic. Everyone should be respected as a person and nobody should become divine.
On democracy.

How would you describe a kiss, or you want a child? About

Education is what remains when one has forgotten everything he learned in school.
on education. Dar

example is not the main way to influence others, is the only way. About

not really understand something unless you are able to explain to your grandmother. About

The joy of seeing and understanding is the most perfect gift of nature. About

If I can not draw, you do not understand. About

I came to America because I heard that this country was a great, great freedom. I made a mistake in selecting America as a land of liberty, and is an error in the balance of my life I can no longer compensate. About U.S.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure the universe. About

I am satisfied with the mystery of the eternity of life and knowledge, meaning, of the marvelous structure of existence. With the humble attempt to understand if only a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature. The existence

The theory is eventually killed by the experience. About

If A equals success. Then the formula is: A = X + Y + Z where X is work, Y is play & Z is keep your mouth shut. About

I never think in the future it comes soon.
on the future.

I know not with what weapons were fought in World War III, but I know which ones will do so in the Fourth World War: Sticks and stones.
About the war.

Man's problem is not the atomic bomb, but in his heart. About

We are all very ignorant. What happens is that they all ignore the same things.
on ignorance.

In times of crisis, imagination is more important than knowledge.
on ignorance.

Life is very dangerous. Not by the people who do evil, but because they feel and see what happens. About

The only real valuable thing is intuition.
on intuition.

I have a question that sometimes torture me: I'm crazy or are the others crazy. About

When the laws of mathematics refer to reality, not true, if true, do not refer to reality ..
on mathematics.

maturity begins to manifest itself when we feel that our concern is more for others than for ourselves.
on maturity.

Women, is where it belongs. Millions of years of evolution have not been mistaken, because nature is capable of correcting its own defects.
on maturity.

Never store in the head that you fit in a pocket.
on the reports.

The mystery is the most beautiful thing we can experience. Is the source of all true art and science.
on the mystery.

most incomprehensible thing about the world is that is understandable.
on the world.

Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind. About

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
on the opposition.

is not the same call the Devil to see it go. About

important thing is not to stop questioning. About
peace. Sad

time it was! It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice. About

If you want to dominate a child, give him a toy. If you want to dominate an adult, give him a prejudice. About

I am absolutely convinced that no wealth in the world can help humanity to progress. The world needs permanent peace and lasting goodwill.
on the progress of humanity.

The word has no meaning while children are unhappy.
on the progress of humanity.

If we run into the right will never come to anything. About

Religion without science is blind, and science without religion would take too.
on religion.

If my theory of relativity is correct, the Germans will say I am German and French I am a citizen of the world. But if not, the French will say I am German, and German that I am Jewish.
on his reputation.

We can not solve problems by thinking the same way as when we created them.
on solving problems.

The formulation of a problem, it is more essential than its solution.
on solving problems.

When you sit with a beautiful girl for 2 hours, it seems as if they had been 2 minutes. When you sit on a hot stove for 2 minutes, it seems like you've spent 2 years. That's relativity!
on relativity.

I hope we are not a dream God dreams, or our future will be very relative.
on relativity.

If you want different results, do not do the same.
on the results.

Why this great scientific technology, which saves work and makes life easier, gives us so little happiness? The answer is it is, simply because we have not learned to use it wisely.
on the results.

Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. About

The difference between past, present and future is only a persistent illusion.
About time.

Try not to become a man of success but make you a man of value.
on the value.

If your intention is describe the truth, do it with simplicity and elegance Leave it to the tailor.
on the truth.

SSolamente a life dedicated to others is worth living. About

There are two ways of looking at life: one is to believe that there are no miracles, the other is to believe that everything is a miracle. About

Anyone who believes that his own life and that of your peers is devoid of meaning is not only unhappy, but is barely able to live. About

ideals that light my way and time and again have given me courage to face life cheerfully have been: the kindness, beauty and truth. About

What do you know the fish in the water where nothing all his life? About

Life is beautiful, live it is no coincidence. About

There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and nuclear power: the will. About


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