A trademark is a nearly empty container that often fills very slowly. At one, as a designer, may have provided, are added qualities, attributes and characteristics often unthinkable in the rational and planned process of design and configuration.
The FADU (Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Buenos Aires) has countless budget problems is not the purpose of this short text to address, and also has access to many thinkers that can magnify the power of a claim by something that is, in that house of studies, close at hand: design.
as is the case-grade container and ready to be filled with meaning as a powerful "of the famous, iconic, burrotijera.
Born in the middle of 2008 (see the source in the image above), by Juan Miranda-then teacher of the class Alfredo Saavedra and, currently, Associate Professor, Chair of Paul Solomon, h ace time since the burrotijera became in the synthesis seen in the picture below. What started in a collage , an exercise in the middle of that troubled and movilizante 2008, whose purpose was to resolve a message through the clever use of metaphor and combining disparate elements of universes, became a symbol of struggle as durable as uneven and choked by the lack of solidarity established between us, teachers FADU, renewing, unfortunately, every year.
burrotijera The brand but is not born today an unbeatable brand, own and appropriate for the fighting in FADU. Representing teachers and students alike. It stencil was corporeal and poster, banner, flag, tracing and shirt.
could be as good it is, the mark of any teacher for the universal struggle present in his conception: the "donkey" as someone without, or with poor - education and scissors in the hands of someone without much love for public education ...
The burrotijera is a creature born to stay with us, braying silently each year reminding us of selfishness and perversion premium manage time, from the start, insufficient money for public education.
And, far from weakening, is more alive than ever because, year after year, there are those who feed him.
Thanks so prolific Juan Miranda Paul Salomone idea and thanks for the info that I spent for writing these lines!
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