When you are committed, there are few more powerful expressions of the written word that political graffiti, made on the fly, with force, speed and suspicion. At least guess that were painted by PerĂ³n, Peronist era when to be simple. This remedy is diluted, as he puts too much water to a juice concentrate, when it is resolved as in the poster, where the undoubted relevance of the idea is badly hurt by a shy and counterfeit resolution (in those letters is not hesitant and uneven see the profound harmony characteristic of the speed of nervous hand of those who may have written it on a wall, looking askance if someone sees it).
Fortunately the book which I heard very good comments, not dependent on this poster and I doubt that this piece set the decision to buy or not, but I feel it was a great opportunity to papering part of the city with good design.
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