A policeman was hospitalized after the game between Alumni and Maipú. There was a strong brawl between the soldiers and the fans in Mendoza. It took the DT and visitor management.
A policeman had to be hospitalized as a result of injuries sustained in the incidents that occurred in and outside the stadium Plaza Ocampo when playing the final minutes of the match between Deportivo Maipú Alumni and the last date of the regular phase of the Argentine A.
As a result of the roses that occurred between the soldiers and the group of fans from Mendoza, who joined the club players and officials visitor were also delayed the coach and the president of Maipú, Carlos and Omar Sperdutti, respectively, next to the props team, Diego Baez, the team props. The three were released this morning and returned to Mendoza. The police admitted
lost some of their teeth after getting in the face of the impact of a brick thrown by one of the fans. Six other policemen were wounded several, but less consideration and are in operation, said the commissioner Luis Gervino.
The incident began when they were 44 minutes into the second half and Alumni won 2 to 1. A cross between the two swollen, with piedrazos and insults, led the police intervention. Part of the local bias invaded the lung that separated the two groups, but then fell back on the popular cement.
The heaviest fighting took place between the police and the swelling of Maipú, which was removed from the stadium as the game remained suspended. Mendoza players tried to intervene in the situation to keep the fans you were repressed and calm things down.
Outside the stadium followed by the incidents and some cars were damaged and damage piedrazos product.
At the end of the match, there were new discussions between the police, players and the leadership of Maipú. It was even some roses and cross-complaints of assault. As outcome of this situation, Sperduti brothers were taken to police headquarters, where they were delayed about four hours.
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