Ceramic Mural
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Difference Between Chenille And Velvet?

In the second tile of the photo, left only see the burnished slip (Bruni just that little part, which glaze would not), then an alkaline glaze, a satin or matt (is clear) and a leaded glaze (far right of each tile). Here
slips formulas:
White Clay Tinker
70 20 10 feldspar quartz 10 Flux alkaline (alc.)
plumbic: 70 Clay Tinker
30 leaded flux
15 (pb.) (no variation with a or other flux)
Yellow: 80 clay tinker
20 ox. zinc or zinc yellow pigment 20 20 flux pure alc.
Ocre: 60 clay
tinker quartz
26 13 Pb flux. Ocher pigment
Ocre 2: Clay Tinker
70 15 Ox. zinc or zinc 4 Iron Ox Ox 6. copper flux
15 alc.
why should stay that way? (I mess when error enamel on both sides with leaded and in the middle with satin).
with failure:
there is saturation of copper. I must lower the% of the rust and re-do a sample. 3% Cu how to walk??
Arena: 70 Clay Tinker
10 15 Ox. Zinc Ox 1. iron flux
15 alc.
Clay Tinker
70 30 0.5 Ox quartz. iron flux 20 alc.
Red 38 ** 60 Clay Tinker
26 38 ** 15 red pigment flux 13 bp.
It is pink, not insist. the upper Taselaar bath has a transparent red enamel. and there as it improved the thing.
Red 39 ** 61 Clay Tinker
26 39 ** 15 red pigment flux 13 bp.
remains pink. the top tile has a transparent red enamel bath.
70 Clay Tinker (white) quartz
30 10 10 flux brown pigment. alkaline.
Light green: 60 Clay Tinker
quartz 8 green pigment victory ** 13 pb flux.
Moss Green:
clay tinker
70 30 3 quartz chromium oxide Flux LAC 30.
Celeste Cielo:
clay tinker
70 15 zinc oxide a cobalt oxide flux 15 LAC.
Blue Sky: Clay Tinker
70 15 Ox. Zinc 3 Ox. cobalt flux 15 alc.
Turquoise: Clay Tinker
70 30 10 quartz pure turquoise pigment flux 15 alc.
Blue oil: clay Tinker
61 26 10 quartz blue pigment (az.60 **) 13 pb flux. Brushed and enamel
Pb out well (edge). (Instead of glaze I put flux alc. And Pb "test" and a disaster the result (center)
Gunmetal: 70 Clay Tinker
20 calcium carbonate 10 feldspar 3 cobalt-free black pigment flux **
15 bp.
(repeat sample was good, but lacked the sympathetic mortereo and stayed with darker spots)
Black: Red Clay
70 25 15 oxide quartz 3 manganese cobalt oxide flux
30 alc. (Went wrong with 30%) -
lower the flux to 20% *
* (formula, it went wrong, when I took it out of the oven the first time the slip was perfect, glazing and firing in the second came the slip burnished all bubbled, enamels Alc. and Pb. burned and bubbly mate, but the public as well as one learns from mistakes. I'm going down for the next shows the flux to 20% and see.
Already The issue is that no previously calcined manganese! and tends to bubble. Just go down the flux to 20%.
And here the trouble that I do, are just samples jjajjajajaj!
(** and is listed this pigment in the house growing up) gtbTranslateOnElementLoaded
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can not. the fault of the "flu" that we have missed several classes and that delayed us, but through we come on and everything, but man proposes and the flu has ... Oh God! good experience.
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